Grant Writing 101 and Introduction to the Heilmeier Catechism are popular introductory courses, coordinated and hosted regularly at the Research Commons.
We are working to develop additional targeted trainings for select Limited Submission and Early Career Investigator opportunities released by private foundations. As we develop additional trainings, we will promote them here, through our partnership with the Research Commons, and through targeted outreach to relevant units.
Members of our team are available to attend department or unit‐level faculty meetings to provide a brief introduction to our office and services (typically 10–15 minutes in length). For units interested in hosting more in‐depth meetings targeted for faculty on working with private foundations, please contact Kristin Helmick-Brunet to inquire about scheduling a session. We respectfully request that detailed training sessions have a minimum of five participants who are eligible to serve as principal investigators and who have the full support of the college to pursue foundation funding.