
Find Funding

Scarlet & Grants - Private Funding Opportunities Database

This searchable database is designed to provide the Ohio State research community with ongoing access to privately funded grant opportunities. It includes 800+ cyclical opportunities that target various domains, career stages, and support levels, reflecting the priorities and focus areas of private funders. University Advancement is committed to supporting faculty across all academic disciplines.

Limited Submission Opportunities

These opportunities involve an internal review process to select institutional nominee(s), which is co-managed by the Office of Foundation Relations and the Office of Faculty Affairs.

Additional funding opportunities, NOT managed by the Office of Foundation Relations, include: 

Funding Opportunities managed by ERIK/Office of Research

  • Federal Funding Opportunities (e.g., NSF, NIH)
  • State of Ohio Funding Opportunities

Ohio State-internal Funding Opportunities

Managed by Office of Academic Affairs, ERIK, and respective academic units.

Request Prospect Research

The Foundation Relations team invests in additional search tools to aid us in refining prospect lists and helping identify funders that are a “match” for research and projects that have been deemed institutional priorities. We are a team of major gift fundraisers and typically work at the minimum request level of $100,000, with exceptions made for strategic engagement of high‐value prospects.

Searches are involved and therefore we limit our support of targeted funding searches for single investigator projects to those that are deemed by academic leadership to be a priority and where the investigator is “funder ready."

In order to gauge readiness, please provide detailed responses to the following questions:

  1. Is your research basic, clinical or translational? Is this a community outreach program?
  2. What are the desired outcomes of your work? Articulate your goals and anticipated measurable performance objectives.
  3. What need or gap is your research/work addressing? What population(s) will be impacted?
  4. Is it distinctive, novel and innovative for your field? Who are your most high-profile competitors?
  5. Foundation grants often come without, or with limited, indirect cost recovery. Do you have the full support of your department chair, research dean and/or college to pursue private foundation funding for research? Do you have any collaborators in other departments or other sites? If so, are their institution(s) supportive of their participation on the project?
  6. What would be a useful amount of money to accomplish your goals?
  7. Do you have existing relationships with any private foundations?
  8. Please provide a lay summary of your proposed work and a list of keywords that may be used for an active search for prospects.

If you can provide complete answers to the questions above, contact us to schedule a pre-consultation meeting.

Enhancing Ohio State's Mission Through Strategic Foundation Partnerships

Foundation Relations is a specialized central service team within Advancement focused on increasing private foundation support to advance Ohio State’s educational and research mission. A partner and resource within Ohio State’s advancement enterprise, Foundation Relations complements the work of other central offices and grants teams engaged in grant seeking and grants administration. Partners include, but are not limited to:

  • College/unit based grants offices
  • Office of Research (university and unit based)
  • Office of Sponsored Programs
  • Clinical Trials Management Office
  • Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  • Proposal Development Office

The Foundation Relations team collectively has decades of experience working on strategic cultivation, proposal development, and thoughtful stewardship of private foundation prospects. We work exclusively with private foundation prospects, developing engagement opportunities, managing relationships on behalf of Ohio State. We are a resource and support as you engage with these prospective funders. Our team:

  • Advises on private foundation giving, historical engagement and university relationships
  • Supports engagement with private foundations, including planning and hosting campus visits
  • Supports letters of inquiry and proposal development
  • Shares funding opportunities with the campus community
  • Coordinates proposal submissions to select private foundations